Choose the Right Beanie for Women
For Women

Learn How to Choose the Right Beanie For Women

How to wear a beanie may not look like anything serious. As a matter of fact, wearing a beanie is easy. Stick it right on top of your head and head out the door, right? Of course, that’s all there is to wearing a beanie basically, but that does not change the fact that you can wear your beanie in several different styles to achieve different looks.

Women are known to have more options when it comes to beautiful ways to wear beanie. So, putting the style of your hair into consideration is likely the best way to choose which style is best for wearing your beanie. With that in mind, here are some very popular ways you can wear your beanie right to get that deeply satisfying feeling that comes with looking your best even as you stay warm.

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Wearing your beanie for short hair

If your hair is super-short, you can make a good fashion statement with your beanie in many different ways. Firstly, you must choose the right style of beanie. You can go with any of these-visor beanies, knitted beanies, woven beanies, oversized beanies, fitted beanies, slouchy beanies, or tall beanies. If you choose any of the above mentioned beanie styles, you can be sure to get the best looks with your beanie irrespective of its texture. Simply place the beanie at the center of your head, pull in your tresses, and hide them beneath your beanie. Alternatively, you can leave out your bangs to outline your face for that sexier approach.

Wearing your beanie for shoulder-length hair

If you have anything close to medium-shoulder length hair, sleek or sophisticated beanies will look great on you. To add extra glamor to your look, forget the solid-colored beanies and go for the patterned ones instead. Also, it is not only about the way you style and wear your beanie. You can keep in mind other important elements of your outfit while you put together your fashion ensemble for your day. This is the only time you can put your beanie into very good use.

Wearing a Beanie for Curly hair and Long hair

Beanies are very wonderful accessories to have irrespective of whether your hair is straight, silky, or curly. Wearing your beanie right with these long hair styles accentuates your feminism, and when you style them the right way, you will achieve a very refined look without doing too much work. But make sure you keep your hair styling as natural as it can be since you have long hair because when you take off the beanie, the whole styling becomes fruitless. You can choose between leaving your hair down, keeping the bangs out, pulling all your hairs in, or tying a loose braid. Whichever one you choose, a beanie will always give you that edgy look you desire.

Wearing your beanie the usual way

All you need is a basic, tight-fitting, run-of-the-mill beanie to look your best in your best casual wears during winter. The easiest way to wear your beanie is to pull it over your forehead, forming a downward angle around the back of your head with your ears well covered. This is a fuss free and simple way to wear your beanie to keep you looking cute and feeling toasty warm.

Wearing it the natural way

You must have to take your hair into consideration when it comes to how to wear your beanie. For most ladies, wearing their hair out when putting on a beanie is a very simple and stylish way to wear different types of beanies. Ensuring you are keeping things natural will also ensure you won’t need to style your hair when you remove the beanie from your head.

Wearing with a Braid

Try a loose side braid if you want to have your hair secured when wearing that beanie. This is most useful for very windy days. When it is time to remove your beanie, simply untie the braid and comb the fingers through for the most natural looking waves.

Wearing your beanies with bangs

If you have bangs, there are several options you can choose from when it comes to how to style your braids. With your full bangs, you simply need to wear your beanie a little bit further back to keep your bands from flattening down on your forehead. You can also sweep your bangs to one side and allow them to peek out from the front. Finally, if you have any problems with the bangs, simply stop them from showing by pushing them back.

Wearing your beanie in a Slouchy way

Another important thing you must consider when looking for the best way to wear your beanie is the style of your beanie. Some beanies can be very closely cropped while some are simply a little more slouchy. Slouchy styles are simply great for giving you that cool off-duty appearance. Simply wear your beanie shoved back on your head while leaving the back of your beanie loose and slouchy.

Wearing your beanie Folded

If you have a longer, slouchier styled beanie but prefer a closer fit, simply fold up your beanie. The single beanie fold is one common solution to how best to wear your beanie. It guarantees you a no fuss look that is sure to give you a great look.

Wearing your Beanie Rolled Up

You can try rolling up your beanie hat to enable it sit higher up on your head. This one look you can find on models-off-duty during popular fashion weeks around the world. To complete the look, you can wear your hair and make sure your ears are completely covered.

With the different ways to wear your beanie we have mentioned here, you can’t go wrong with the right beanie style during winter. But make sure you do not forget the most important goal is to keep your head warm even while you try to make the best fashion statement with your beanie hat.

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